Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dang it, Sam got hit

Ok, so, Sam was coming home from the farm and dang it, he got hit by a big white truck.

I have photo's of him in the hospital and a couple in the E.R. But I can't get my camera to cooperate!! Is it because I'm playing on the computer on the Sabbath? That's what I tell my kids. The short of a LONG story is, we just brought him home today, the wreck was Friday afternoon, and in 6? weeks, we won't even remember all this. Yeah whatever. He has 4 broken ribs in front, for you medical people, it's #2-5, and one in the back. Ha, I'm holding my breath while typing. It ripped his ear in half horizontally, and then because of the glass and drivers rear view mirror (on the outside) and other misc. debris he has 70+ stitches. We lost count. But, I do know that they went through 13 suture kits. He is so sore and tired, but still wants to take a drive down to the farm tonight before dark. Ya think? I'm just gonna let him keep on sleepin' and try to get down there tomorrow.

Marie Barone, I mean, his mother forgot his name and called him "my baby" through all this. I thought it was kinda cute.

Any who, we had way more help and offers than we could handle and I am doing that~ "I'm blessed and highly favored" moment. The boys had my neighbor bring them to the hospital and she stopped to get them some lunch and they thought they had hit the jack pot because she ordered them a "real" lunch, NOT from the kids menu. It's all they've talked about. Cracks me up.

Sam's sister Sally took DJ and Ben for a couple days so that it's one , well, or two less things to worry about. Jackson is not feeling well and I kept him home. Poor kid has a fever and doing hallucinations. They told me it was a virus. Well, ok.

So, as soon as I can put up pictures of Sam sitting in a hospital bed I will. The other stuff, his elbow bone sticking out while the two Dr's discuss what in the world they are going to do to sew it together, I thought that might be to much for this kind of a family show:0

Thanks to soooo many family and friends for the prayers and thoughts and wishes of good luck. Sam believes that the blessing he got in the E.R. was the reason for having no broken bones. I would lean that direction too, except that the man drinks about 1/2 gallon or more of milk everyday. I'll all about the spiritual miracle and all, but common sense has it's place too:)
......I'll work on the camera


Aleese and Scott said...

We talked to Scott the day it happened so you have been in our prayers, we are just glad to hear everything is fine. Isn't it nice to be surrounded by people who care and help lift the load in these situations.

Unknown said...

"real" lunch. Love it. The elbow thing is pretty gross, and my mom failed to tell me about the ear thing. Wow.
I think I'm the most shook up of everybody, nope, take that back, nobody beats Grandma. And of course, you've had time to pull it together and come up with a great post. But I'm more shook up than a iece ought to be. Get well soon. No cows for a few months.

Amanda D said...

How scary, Laura! I hope that Sam is feeling back on top soon.

I'm glad your boys enjoyed their "real" lunch, and that Jackson is feeling better.

Get better soon!

karin said...

I think the elbow photo is totally appropriate but I didn't post my gut photos- so whatever you want to do.

I thought it was hilarious that he wanted to go to the farm. I hope he feels better and that his drugs work well.

chunkymonkey said...

Maybe you could email the elbow photo to those of us who think it is cool. My mom left out the elbow, ear and how MANY stitches part when she called us, too. She is used to "leaving the work talk," I guess. Those are impressive details! I hope Sam gets good meds for those ribs.

shauni said...

That is so scary! I'm sorry to hear about all the many injuries. I can totally picture Grandma calling Sam, "my baby," I agree that is very cute. I laughed at the "real lunch," your boy are lucky- my boys don't even get kid's meals yet, if we go out they get to order off the dollar menu! We will be thinking about you guys- I hope that Sam recovers quickly. Send him our love!