Saturday, March 01, 2008

Ahhhhhhhh Spring

It's here and I'm lovin it. My first crocus is out with tulips on the way! It seems like this winter had a hard time leaving. We'll get more snow I'm sure, but... until then, spring has sprung!


karin said...

It has been nice here (except for today it was rainy), I hope it stays nice.

shauni said...

I am so jealous. March 1st didn't look like that in Iowa! I'm glad someone is enjoying nice weather.

Unknown said...

I had some daffodils near the driveway, but then it got cold. Now I have daffodils that are laying down on the driveway like lazy bums.

Aleese and Scott said...

It has been very warm out here I love it! I definitely don't miss March in Utah where it is warm one day then snowing the next.