Wednesday, November 28, 2007

our latest greatest?

We had family pic's taken, and Jackson has his eyes closed in this one, and we borrowed the cat, but yes, this is about as good as it gets.


Ann said...

What a great looking family! and I'm glad you borrowed the cat because what kind of family picture doesn't have a cat in it??

karin said...

You had to borrow a cat?! Great photo, I wish our family photos turned out as fabulous!

Unknown said...

That picture is so good I can't believe you weren't the photographer!

Aleese and Scott said...

Haha, you guys have one of the coolest family pictures ever! I love the car in the background, and the kids look so cute! Sounds like your Thanksgiving was fun. Maybe next year we can make it home and have a big family thanksgiving again.

shauni said...

I love the picture and I love the scarfs, very chic. I also like the antique look with the car- very well done. I can hardly tell that Ben has his eyes closed!

shauni said...

I mean Jackson has his eyes closed.